
How Peritus Assistant is Revolutionising Your Community Support Experience!

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How Peritus Assistant is Revolutionising Your Community Support Experience!

Peritus Assistant was built with the aim of helping people solve problems and getting to
solutions faster.

In all my conversations with Robin and Santhosh (co-founders of they have stressed
on the value of community support forums and how Peritus Assistant helps problem solvers and
problem seekers, alike (specially in technical community forums).
Let’s understand what Peritus Assistant is - Peritus Assistant provides an IT recommendation
engine for support automation. It uses AI to provide relevant answers on technical industry

It provides various services, and it is revolutionizing the technical community in various ways.
● Peritus Assistant solves forum posts using relevant recommendations from trusted

● One of the best things about it is that you can add filters and search. It learns from you
and your experiences.

● You get the freedom to pin recommendations to your reply so you can quickly answer
community questions. It gives you freedom to express your knowledge and help others
get solutions faster and more relevant ones at that.

● As an added bonus, if you are a community expert it helps you boost your reputation
within the community, and you can get notified when your responses are helpful within
the community.

What sets it apart from most Assistants you’ve used....

Peritus Assistant is is constantly learning and improving based on user feedback and interactions,
to increase the relevance of it’s recommendations and suggestions.
The strong empathetic drive of Peritus.AI in considering customers' problems as their own
problems is clearly brought out in this product. I believe Robin clearly stated in an interview
about how sometimes support is being used as a sales channel, while Peritus Assistant enables
support staff to keep support as strictly support. He is right in saying the opportunity is immense!
Why? Because as long as there is tech, there will be problems. Tech breaks, people want to fix
tech. And what better way than support from community?

Peritus Assistant is on the path to revolutionising community support and as we see more
enterprise software companies looking at community as a moat and value enhancer, Peritus.AI
and it’s product suite will revolutionize many pieces of the support puzzle! In Santhosh’s words,
“nobody likes to be in support and most people hate the “support” experience but we are here to
change both!” Indeed....
It is our pleasure to boost Peritus.AI and help it reach the audience of technical community users

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